The famed British improviser performs City Music, written for him in 1988 by Chicago composer Frank Abbinanti. The piece, which is scored in two sections: “known” and “unknown,” prompts Rowe to reflect on familiar and unfamiliar cities and instrumental techniques. By coincidence (or not?), his decision to perform the work here is apt, beyond the local connection to Abbinanti. It has been seven years since Keith last visited Chicago. Lampo is happy to right that wrong and hope he considers our city “known” forevermore.
Keith Rowe (b.1940, Plymouth, England) is a free improvisation tabletop guitarist and painter. In the mid-1960s, after years of playing jazz, he began to develop his own idiosyncratic techniques, setting the instrument flat on a table and preparing it with various tools: transistor radio, contact microphones, pedals, bows, springs, electronic fans and various metal scraps. Deeply affected by artists Rothko and Pollock and the music of John Cage, he is co-founder (and former member) of the groundbreaking collective AMM, and current all-star in MIMEO, the 12-piece Music in Movement Electronic Orchestra. His legendary work has influenced a rising generation of electroacoustic improvisers. He lives in Nantes, France.
Keith Rowe appeared at Lampo in October 2005, when he performed solo work from his Room series, and in April 2001 with AMM, in three days of concerts.
Presented in partnership with the Renaissance Society