LoVid is the art duo of Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus. Here, they use their Sync Armonica, a 9 ft. sculptural, analog, handmade A/V synthesizer—and electrical signals gathered from guest performers, as they premiere two new works for Lampo.
In fast-flickering C/O/L/O/R/G/B, the artists perform with a new synthesizer color wheel for the first time. In Becoming One.2, LoVid invites guests to contribute body signals that are amplified by the duo’s circuit tacos. Specifically, two people look at each other while holding patch cords that connect to LoVid’s synthesizer, Sync Armonica. Their bodies’ signals are fed in and contribute to the sound and video being produced. The video is projected onto each of the lookers’ faces. Each looker sees the video containing both lookers’ signals on the other looker’s face, and each looker attempts to control the video such that they look more like the other looker.
Tali Hinkis (b.1974, Jerusalem, Israel) and Kyle Lapidus (b.1975, New York, N.Y.) have worked together as LoVid since 2001. The duo’s interdisciplinary works explore social, personal and corporal experiences in the networked era. LoVid events are playful yet aggressive, with realtime audiovisuals that are visceral and intensely colorful, patterned and rhythmic. Works combine handmade and machine produced craft, DIY electro-engineering, textile, video and noise. They have performed and exhibited internationally in venues such as Real Art Ways, Urbis (Manchester), MoMA, PS1, The Kitchen, The Jewish Museum, The Neuberger Museum, The New Museum of Contemporary Art and Institute of Contemporary Art (London). LoVid has been artist-in-residence at Smack Mellon, Cue Art Foundation, Eyebeam, Harvestworks and free103point9, and have received grants, awards and fellowships from NYFA, LMCC, Experimental TV Center, NYSCA, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, turbulence.org, Puffin Foundation and Greenwall Foundation.
Presented in partnership with the Graham Foundation