Zbigniew Karkowski


2116 West Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Zbigniew Karkowski performs Consciously Unconscious Unconsciously Conscious—a new two-part work, presented in quad sound. The Tokyo-based artist appeared here in 1999 as part of Sensorband, but this is his first solo performance in Chicago.

Zbigniew Karkowksi (b.1958, Krakow, Poland) emigrated as a teenager and lived in Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Los Angeles. He studied music composition with Oliver Messiaen and Pierre Boulez, but cites Iannis Xenakis as his most important teacher. Since 1994 he has been based in Tokyo, where he collaborates closely with Japanese underground noise musicians. He has presented his work in more than 30 countries on nearly all continents.